Dansk Regnbueråd


Welcome to Danish Rainbow Council’s Homepage

Even though this page is primarily in Danish and for Danes we very much appreciate your interest. We have created this English-language page for our international visitors in order to tell you about ourselves and our political goals.

Please subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the page. Each newsletter will include English-language information and news for our international followers.

We hope our work and aims may inspire you to effect much-needed LGBT change in your own country or local community. You’re also very welcome to sign up for an International Membership and thereby actively support the work that we do.

Reaching Out to Parliament

In the beginning of January, the Danish Rainbow Council wrote personally to every single member of parliament, newly and re-elected, to draw their attention to our organization and especially to the problem of gender reassignment for minors in Denmark.

One party, Nye Borgerlige, invited us soon after to give our view on the matter as it relates to their own political agenda of stopping the current treatment. This has now led to a motion, which will soon be considered in the Danish Parliament.

The Government holds the majority and will need to be swayed - but no matter what happens, all parties will be forced to come clean about their position on gender reassignment for children. In Folketinget (our parliament), in front of rolling TV cameras, they must unequivocally state if they back the motion - or or explain why they think it is a good idea to continue to perform gender reassignment on children in Denmark.

Friends in Politics

In politics, your friends are those who will fight to get the things you fight for done. Would it have been good if even one member of the governing parties or the opposition on the Left had replied to our email to hear more about the problem? Yes, it had. But that did not happen - this time.

Instead, the reality is that it is the right-of-center opposition, who so far sees this battle as essential, even existential. Nye Borgerlige concretely checked-in as the first party to champion our main cause. We are happy and grateful for that.

An Issue Beyond Party Politics

Both our board and our members range politically very widely, from Left to the Right - but we all agree that stopping gender reassignment of children is a matter that lies beyond party politics. It's about ethics. It's about the children. Therefore, we must leave disagreement in other political areas aside.

In contrast to the Folketing, where the issue of gender reassignment for children and other identity politics issues seems to divide across the center line, we know that this by no means is the case in the general population, when the seriousness of the matter of gender reassignment for children finally dawns on people.

We therefore hope that the politicians in the Folketing will also be able to put party politics aside, and support the motion, that will finally put an end to gender reassignment for children in Denmark, so that, together, we can find other and better ways to deal with these children's problems. 

Now, let’s go win this.


Denmark led the way in 1989, being the first country to offer Civil Partnership to same sex couples. It therefore seems fitting, that Denmark should also endeavor to lead a Nordic rebellion against the wayward scourge of wokeness.

Wokeness threatens to undermine acceptance, imperil reasonable LGBT-rights attained and has eradicated the rights of biological women, curtailed freedom of speech and removed the rights of children to finish their bodily development before irreversible gender correcting treatments are administered.

Wokeness is an ideology, that has taken hostage a just fight for equal rights and perverted it into demands for societal submission to totalitarian dogmas. The Danish Rainbow Council leads the Nordic fight to liberate the LGBT cause from the cultish claws of unhinged rainbow activism. We hope to inspire other movements in other countries to do the same.

International Membership
DKK 250.00

Thank you for considering an International Membership of Danish Rainbow Council.

You can buy as many Rainbow memberships as you want - each of them is valid for one year from the date of purchase 🙂❤️🌈.

YOU GET: One year's membership of Danish Rainbow Council.

Your support is used in our mission to get the LGBT cause back on track. We labour hard to effect political change, write articles, make podcasts and videos. We also organize debates and live streams on important LGBT issues, where the members - anyone who wants to - can meet and talk to us.

We also provide counseling to Danish families with children who are in a gender identity crisis. It is a big responsibility to take on, because this issue affects not just the child, but the whole family. It is a time-consuming task that we take very seriously.

Your purchase of membership enables us to work on all of the tasks above - and your support is a deeply appreciated, international helping hand.

We will make every effort to deliver change and bring sanity back to the LGBT cause - and we hope that our efforts will spread wings and inspire similar movements in your country, too.

That's the deal. Thank you for your support ❤️