Mathias Kring Niebuhr, tidl. kandidat til Europaparlamentet for Socialdemokratiet.
Mathias Kring Niebuhr kender jo alt til det, der beskrives i ovenstående artikel. Den dokumenterer, hvordan der med hjælp fra højt betalte lobbyister har været arbejdet med at få indført børnekønsskifte i Danmark - efter netop den 'camoufler & hold skjult'-slagplan, som han benægter eksistensen af.
For alle, der ikke ved, hvordan qu**r-aktivistiske politikere som Mathias Kring Niebuhr et al. arbejder, så læs vores blog-post fra 31. maj og artiklen ovenfor.
Her er et par uddrag:
"[...] here’s another tip from the document: ‘Tie your campaign to more popular reform.’
For example:
‘In Ireland, Denmark and Norway, changes to the law on legal gender recognition were put through at the same time as other more popular reforms such as marriage equality legislation. This provided a veil of protection, particularly in Ireland, where marriage equality was strongly supported, but gender identity remained a more difficult issue to win public support for.’
I’ve added my bold there, because I think those are very telling phrases indeed. This is an issue that is ‘difficult to win public support for’ and best hidden behind the ‘veil of protection’ provided by a popular issue such as gay rights. Again, anyone who has even glanced at the UK transgender debate will recognise this description.
Another recommendation is even more revealing: ‘Avoid excessive press coverage and exposure.’
According to the report, the countries that have moved most quickly to advance trans rights and remove parental consent have been those where the groups lobbying for those changes have succeeded in stopping the wider public learning about their proposals. Conversely, in places like Britain, the more ‘exposure’ this agenda has had, the less successful the lobbying has been:
‘Another technique which has been used to great effect is the limitation of press coverage and exposure. In certain countries, like the UK, information on legal gender recognition reforms has been misinterpreted in the mainstream media, and opposition has arisen as a result. ….Against this background, many believe that public campaigning has been detrimental to progress, as much of the general public is not well informed about trans issues, and therefore misinterpretation can arise.
In Ireland, activists have directly lobbied individual politicians and tried to keep press coverage to a minimum in order to avoid this issue.’ (Emphasis added)."
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